Plot: This long-running series follows Ontario master contractor Jim Caruk and his crew from demolition to rebuild as they take on some of Canada's biggest home-renovation projects, each one consuming multiple episodes to accurately depict what real renos are -- a painstaking process with beautiful results...
Plot: Author and popular mom blogger Jen Hatmaker and her husband, Brandon, a motorcycle-riding pastor, have five growing kids and a house in Austin, Texas, that isn't getting any bigger. So they decide to sell it and embark on the biggest adventure of their lives -- buying a 1908 farmhouse just minutes...
Plot: "Good Bones" follows the blueprint of several series on HGTV or DIY Network that showcase revitalization specialists who turn rundown homes into stunning remodels. In this case, it's mother/daughter duo Karen E. Laine and Mina Starsiak transforming properties in and around their hometown of Indianapolis...
Plot: Fixer-uppers are on the wish lists of house hunters in this addition to HGTV's long-running franchise. In each episode, the featured home buyers tour three for-sale homes and choose the one that is the perfect fixer-upper. The added bonus? Cameras also capture what happens after the home is purchased...
Plot: It's a homeowner's ultimate fantasy: having a room in their home completely remodeled, and for free. Now comes the catch: They have absolutely no say in the matter regarding the transformation. So goes the premise of "Run My Renovation," a series where ordinary viewers get to play interior designer...
Plot: You have to experience it to believe it. To believe how much damage a home makeover can cause, both to the home and to the homeowners' sanity. The documentary series "My First Renovation" takes an unvarnished look at the realities of homeowners going through a first-time renovation, with first-person...
Plot: Mike, an architect with three sons, and Carol, a homemaker with three daughters, get married but their children struggle to bond with each other, leading to a challenging life for the family.