Plot: Veckans brott is a Swedish crime television show on SVT which has been airing from 2010. From 2010-2018 it was hosted by Camilla Kvartoft with expert commentary by criminology professor Leif G. W. Persson. In 2019 the show was reinstated, however with Camilla Kvartoft as the lone presenter. Wikipedia...
Plot: Efterlyst is a Swedish television program, equivalent of America's Most Wanted. The show plays security camera footage, reconstructions of crimes, and then takes calls and tips from the Swedish public. Wikipedia
Plot: Hem till byn, written by Bengt Bratt, is Sweden's longest-running TV series and one of its most popular. It is a realistic drama about people in a rural Swedish village and their daily life and romances and fights but also the consequences of agricultural policy and other changes in the society. Wikipedia...
Plot: Skärgårdsdoktorn is a Swedish television series produced by SVT Drama. The series ran from 1997 to 2000 and a total of 18 episodes were produced. Wikipedia
Plot: Varuhuset is a Swedish drama series that aired on SVT in 60 episodes between 19 March 1987 and 8 April 1989. Amongst the actors that appeared in the series were Görel Crona, Lena Endre, Sharon Dyall and Christina Schollin. The series was created by Peter Emanuel Falck. Wikipedia
Plot: Albert & Herbert was a Swedish comedy series that ran in 1974, 1976â79, 1981â82, an advent series and a theatre play titled Mordet pÃ¥ Skolgatan 15, and had a spin-off series in 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: Aided by his dog Tubbe, private detective Anders Grip solve mysteries in Stockholm from a house boat. This is the third season for the detective with nickname "Snoken" to solve some mysteries out of the everyday life. "Snoken" (Anders Grip) lives on a boat in Stockholm harbour together with his friend...
Plot: Two middle-aged women, a doctor and a teacher, turn to crime when they find themselves desperate for money. Jenny and Cecilia are tired of the pressure from the outside world and take drastic action.