Plot: Aided by his dog Tubbe, private detective Anders Grip solve mysteries in Stockholm from a house boat. This is the third season for the detective with nickname "Snoken" to solve some mysteries out of the everyday life. "Snoken" (Anders Grip) lives on a boat in Stockholm harbour together with his friend...
Plot: Pistvakt â En vintersaga was a Swedish television series, produced by SVT subdepartment SVT Drama, and aired over SVT1 between 15 January 1998 and 30 November 2000. It is based on a play by Pistolteatern. It was followed by the film Pistvakt. Wikipedia
Plot: Skärgårdsdoktorn is a Swedish television series produced by SVT Drama. The series ran from 1997 to 2000 and a total of 18 episodes were produced. Wikipedia
Plot: Svensson, Svensson is a Swedish sitcom. It has also been made into a feature film and a play. Two seasons consisting of 12 episodes each were broadcast in the autumn of 1994 and the autumn of 1996. They have since been repeated numerous times. The series was revived for a third season in 2007, and...
Plot: Roy, Archie and Norman are long-term patients in a British hospital ward. Though they don't seem terribly ill, neither do they seem to be getting better and going home. So they pass their days side by side in the hospital ward, chatting and occasionally getting on one another's nerves.
Plot: Varuhuset is a Swedish drama series that aired on SVT in 60 episodes between 19 March 1987 and 8 April 1989. Amongst the actors that appeared in the series were Görel Crona, Lena Endre, Sharon Dyall and Christina Schollin. The series was created by Peter Emanuel Falck. Wikipedia