Plot: Aided by his dog Tubbe, private detective Anders Grip solve mysteries in Stockholm from a house boat. This is the third season for the detective with nickname "Snoken" to solve some mysteries out of the everyday life. "Snoken" (Anders Grip) lives on a boat in Stockholm harbour together with his friend...
Plot: Sveriges mästerkock is a Swedish competitive reality television cooking show based on the original British version of MasterChef. The first episode aired on 12 January 2011 on TV4. Wikipedia
Plot: c/o Segemyhr was a Swedish sitcom that premiered on TV4 Sweden on 4 September 1998. The series took place in and around an apartment in an exclusive neighbourhood in Stockholm, Artillerigatan 35 and later Styrmansgatan 52 in the same area. Wikipedia
Plot: Skilda världar was a Swedish soap opera from 1996-2002 about two families in Stockholm and their friends. One rich family and one poor and about Daniel and Sandra who are from the two families and fall in love. Later in the series it is discovered that Daniel and Sandra are twins. Wikipedia
Plot: Tre kronor was a Swedish soap opera that aired on TV4 during the period 1994â1999. The series took place in the fictional middle class suburb Mälarviken, located in the vicinity of Stockholm. Wikipedia