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Description: An ex-cop gets more than he bargained for when he attempts to locate an ancient Arabian necklace. Genre: Thriller series First episode air date: April 21, 2003 Program Creator: Henning Mankell
Plot: This crime drama explores a unique type of criminal gang that is made up of the very men and women who are sworn to uphold the law. Only select police officers make the cut, and the gang members do whatever they can to protect one another from enemies -- both inside and outside of their ranks. The...
Plot: `Follow the Money' is a Danish crime-drama following the illegal activities of corporate crime circles, fraudsters and opportunists. The story begins near a wind farm off the coast of Denmark, where a lifeless body is found washed ashore. Police detective Mads is on the case, which at first looks like...
Plot: A case series is a type of medical research study that tracks subjects with a known exposure, such as patients who have received a similar treatment, or examines their medical records for exposure and outcome. Wikipedia
Plot: Forensic scientist Emma returns one day before her father's birthday from USA to her hometown Mittenwalde (Brandenburg/Germany). Because her father Peter, a coroner, has to deal with a series of odd cases, she decides to support him.
Plot: "Masterpiece Theatre" presents adaptations of classic literature and the work of contemporary writers as acted out by prestigious thespians. Among the stories that have been featured in the series' run are "I, Claudius," "Henry VIII" and "The Forsyte Saga."
Plot: Stefan Kowolski and Arash Sayyad, two junior investigators working for Serious Fraud Office, go against powerful corporations and people who only appear to be legitimate.
Plot: This unconventional crime drama poses the question of `whydunit' rather than `whodunit'. Each episode begins by revealing not only the victim but the killer as well. A team of investigators, led by homicide detective Angie Flynn, tries to piece together the clues. Viewers navigate a complicated maze...
Plot: Freddy and Baba are a deadly duo, drawn together by violence and the dark past that haunts each of them. DS Lola Franks and DI Jackson Mendy are new partners thrown together to catch the killers before they strike again.
Plot: Morven Christie stars as DS Lisa Armstrong in Morecambe-based crime drama `The Bay'. When DS Armstrong is drawn into the search for teenage twins who have gone missing in the coastal town, she is perturbed to realise that she has a personal connection to the case. She is assigned as the Family Liaison...
Plot: The first three days after somebody is abducted are extremely important. Statistically, the chances of finding the abductee alive diminish significantly after the first 72 hours. "Three Days to Live" chronicles kidnapping cases, using re-creations and first-hand testimony from authorities and loved...
Plot: This miniseries tells the story of the FBI's hunt for the Unabomber in the 1990s. Agent Jim "Fitz" Fitzgerld, a fresh-faced criminal profiler with the agency, faces an uphill battle in tracking the infamous criminal but also has to fight against the bureaucracy of the Unabom Task Force (UTF), of which...
Plot: `Trapped' is a crime-drama series following a police department as they try to uncover a mystery against the elements. In a fjord nearby a small Icelandic town a ferry arrives from Denmark with 300 passengers, but only their journey stops here. A storm overhead and a treacherous blizzard prevent the...
Plot: In Denmark, drone engineer Victoria is held captive in her home in the lead-up to a terrorist attack in Scandinavia. The Swedish security police and the Danish intelligence service collaborate to prevent the threat from transpiring.
Plot: The true story of DS Stephen Fulcher and his hunt for missing 22-year-old Sian O'Callaghan, and how it lead to the arrest of Christopher Halliwell. This was the beginning of the capture of a prolific serial killer and the detectives own downfall.
Plot: A gifted detective that takes a job in a small town so he can spend more time with his family is soon drawn into a network of disturbing murder cases.
Plot: A widowed cop tapped to lead a special cybercrimes unit partners with a former hacker to hunt down tech-savvy criminals who are terrorizing Belgium.
Plot: Trace is a Russian crime drama television series about employees of Federal Expert Service, the fictional organization. It was broadcast on the Channel One Russia from September 3, 2007 till August 25, 2011. According to Alexander Levin, Producer, the idea of the TV-series belonged to Konstantin Ernst...
Plot: An elite team of detectives are tasked with investigating a series of murders. The talented team are led by detective Jenny Hultin as they attempt to stop the crimes.
Plot: Tony and Emily Hughes go to France on a holiday with their five-year-old son Oliver. However, when their car breaks down one night in a small town, Tony suddenly loses sight of his son.
Plot: Acclaimed writer Hans Rosenfeldt continues his first British drama following the international success of the Swedish/Danish series `The Bridge'. Anna Friel stars in the lead role of Marcella Backland, a British police detective working in contemporary London. Set in Rosenfeldt's unique style of Nordic...
Plot: Fortitude is a town in the Arctic that is unlike any other place on Earth. Surrounded by the picturesque polar landscape and filled with residents who form a tight-knit community, the town has never been the site of a violent crime. That changes, though, when a research scientist is killed, which leads...
Plot: "Cardinal" is based on the novels of crime writer Giles Blunt and focuses on detective John Cardinal and his partner, Lise Delorme. The two detectives investigate crime in the city of Algonquin Bay, such ones can include the murder of a young girl. Cardinal works to right past wrongs that could threaten...
Plot: Transitioning from his job as a CIA analyst in the U.S., cerebral officer Daniel Miller's new mission puts him under cover at the agency's Berlin branch, tasked with sorting out messy cases involving damaging leaks, whistle-blowers, terrorism and more. Mentored by jaded veteran officer Hector DeJean...
Plot: This multilingual crime-drama follows a group of European investigators working together to tackle crime in major cities across Europe. Their journey begins when three prostitutes are found murdered, all in the same way, and all in different countries. However, as the case evolves, the detectives also...
Plot: Tommy Conley, a New York policeman, suddenly loses track of the serial killer he was following. Finding a link between his investigation and a series of murders in Stockholm, he decides to head to Sweden to dig deeper.
Plot: An Oslo detective with a painful past returns to his native Iceland to help a police officer hunt for a serial killer with a link to a mysterious photograph.
Plot: Set in Denmark and based on the novels of Elsebeth Egholm, this series follows a crime reporter named Dicte Svendsen who has moved back to her hometown of Aarhus with her teenage daughter following a difficult divorce. A sociable character, Svendsun enjoys nothing more than meeting up with her friends...
Plot: `Thicker Than Water' is a Swedish drama series following the lives of the Waldemar family. Siblings Oskar, Lasse and Jonna are reunited when their mother Anna-Lisa invites them to the family's guest house before the season's opening. But when Anna-Lisa suddenly passes away, it turns out that she had...
Plot: Greed, politics and journalism are at the heart of this Norwegian thriller that follows six days in the life of journalist Peter Veras. After receiving an anonymous tip of a financial scandal, he begins an investigation that leads to evidence of Norway's elite being involved in financial fraud. One...
Plot: ` No Offence', written by Paul Abbott, is an extraordinary police procedural series starring Joanna Scanlan, Elaine Cassidy and Alexandra Roach. A team of cops, based in a criminal-ridden part of town, work together to keep the streets safe. Their commitment and strong work ethic has seen them put away...
Plot: Balthazar is a French crime-thriller drama television series created by Clothilde Jamin and Clélia Constantine, broadcast in Belgium since November 20, 2018, on La Une, and, in France, since December 6, 2018, on TF1. It was one of the 10 highest-rated dramas in France in 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: Based on the novel by Thomas Engström, a former Stasi double agent is asked by his old CIA contact to work one more case. Berlin, 2011. A former Stasi double agent, Ludwig Licht, who after the fall of the Berlin Wall works as a freelance problem solver and is the number one customer in the bar he owns...