Plot: Through her unique approach to storytelling, Rachel Maddow provides in-depth reporting to illuminate the current state of political affairs and reveals the importance of transparency and accountability from our leaders. Maddow seeks to explain the complex world and deliver news in a way that's illuminating...
Plot: Alex Witt, a longtime journalist who happens to be a distant relative of George Washington (a second cousin, seven generations removed), tackles politics and the news of the day on this weekend morning show. And of course no modern news show would be complete without viewer interaction by way of social...
Plot: "Way Too Early" provides viewers a jump on the day by previewing news stories half an hour before Joe Scarborough and company hit the airwaves on "Morning Joe." Former sports journalist Willie Geist, who is a "Morning Joe" co-host, was the original presenter of "Way Too Early" before moving on to co...
Plot: Formerly a block of several hours of news coverage airing daily, including weekends, "MSNBC Live" is now the title of an hourlong show providing breaking news coverage weekday mornings. Journalist Thomas Roberts anchors the show that includes analysis and interviews surrounding the news of the day. "...
Plot: Hosted by Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, and Willie Geist, the program features in-depth and informed discussions that help drive the day's current political conversation. The show attracts a wide variety of guests, including top newsmakers, Washington insiders, journalists, and cultural influencers...