Plot: In "Black Women OWN the Conversation," thought leaders and celebrities discuss important issues with 100 black women. Journalist Carlos Watson hosts the panelists and black women across four episodes focusing on love and relationships, motherhood, beauty, and mind, body and soul. The panelists include...
Plot: Hosted by Emmy Award-winning journalist Carlos Watson, "Breaking Big" centers on the unusual paths followed by men and women who overcame obstacles to reach their goals. Artists, innovators, athletes and leaders relay their most difficult or serendipitous moments that led to the big breaks that made...
Plot: Following the adventures of Pinkalicious and her brother Peter. Pinkalicious imagines creative possibilities everywhere she looks. She is an artist at heart-and, like most creative people, she sees the world differently from others.
Plot: "American Experience" combines dramatic re-enactments with commentary by historians and authors to present an absorbing look at the personalities, events and resources that have had a profound impact on the shaping of America's past and present. Many of the program's documentaries have received major...
Plot: Since its premiere in 1986, this Emmy-winning documentary series has presented hundreds of hours comprising profiles of outstanding American cultural artists. Past subjects have included Charlie Chaplin, Helen Hayes, pop icon Andy Warhol, singer Billie Holliday and composer-conductor Leonard Bernstein...