Plot: Sprookjesboom, also known as "The Fairy Tale Tree", "Märchenbaum" and "L'Arbre des Contes", is a computer-animated series for children from the Efteling. The show is produced by the animation studio Motek Entertainment in Amsterdam, based on a concept from Efteling's director, Olaf Vugts. Wikipedia...
Plot: Het Huis Anubis was a Belgian-Dutch children's television mystery drama based on elements of Egyptian mythology created by Studio 100 and Nickelodeon, airing in the Netherlands and Flanders. It first aired in September 2006 and the last episode was broadcast on December 4, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: SpangaS is a Dutch youth series, created by the NCRV and the makers of ZOOP. The television series revolves around the lives of a group of students at Spangalis College. Episodes revolve around a wide range of student activities and personal drama during secondary education. Wikipedia
Plot: Ever After High Epic Winter Apple White Doll Review - New EAH doll. The epic winter full animated movie will debut on netflix on 8/26/16. The other dolls in this line include Madeline Hatter, Briar Beauty, Ashyln Ella, Blondie Lockes, Crystal Winter & a 2 pack for Rosabella Beauty & Daring Charming!...
Plot: A weekly investigative Current Affairs show featuring thought-provoking journalism the brings together a team of seasoned investigative journalists whose voices, faces and backgrounds reflect South Africa's multicultural diversity.
Plot: A programme for adults in which physical activity is central. The presenters accompany the guests during the exercises and encourage viewers to do the same.
Plot: Sjoerd van Hulle becomes police chief in a Dutch town, so he moves there with his family and dog. His visually impaired son Tom soon makes friends at his new school. A tree house becomes their HQ and the first angel to the case father's professionals fail to solve: a series of crimes masterminded by...
Plot: Telekids is a Dutch children's television programme showing on the RTL 4 channel from 1989 to 1999. The show was initially hosted by Irene Moors. Later, Carlo Boszhard joined the presenting team. Wikipedia
Plot: Het Huis Anubis en de Vijf van Het Magische zwaard is a Dutch / Flemish mystery series in which five people, each born with an oversensitive sense, have to fight against Dark Druids who want to steal their senses for their own purposes. Wikipedia
Plot: Tita Tovenaar lives in a castle in the clouds and is obsessed with turning strawberries into camels. His daughter Tika is learning about life on Earth from Tita's human apprentice, Kwark.