Plot: Sprookjesboom, also known as "The Fairy Tale Tree", "Märchenbaum" and "L'Arbre des Contes", is a computer-animated series for children from the Efteling. The show is produced by the animation studio Motek Entertainment in Amsterdam, based on a concept from Efteling's director, Olaf Vugts. Wikipedia...
Plot: SpangaS is a Dutch youth series, created by the NCRV and the makers of ZOOP. The television series revolves around the lives of a group of students at Spangalis College. Episodes revolve around a wide range of student activities and personal drama during secondary education. Wikipedia
Plot: A weekly investigative Current Affairs show featuring thought-provoking journalism the brings together a team of seasoned investigative journalists whose voices, faces and backgrounds reflect South Africa's multicultural diversity.
Plot: Ever After High Epic Winter Apple White Doll Review - New EAH doll. The epic winter full animated movie will debut on netflix on 8/26/16. The other dolls in this line include Madeline Hatter, Briar Beauty, Ashyln Ella, Blondie Lockes, Crystal Winter & a 2 pack for Rosabella Beauty & Daring Charming!...
Plot: Tita Tovenaar lives in a castle in the clouds and is obsessed with turning strawberries into camels. His daughter Tika is learning about life on Earth from Tita's human apprentice, Kwark.
Plot: Telekids is a Dutch children's television programme showing on the RTL 4 channel from 1989 to 1999. The show was initially hosted by Irene Moors. Later, Carlo Boszhard joined the presenting team. Wikipedia
Plot: A programme for adults in which physical activity is central. The presenters accompany the guests during the exercises and encourage viewers to do the same.