Plot: Divorced contractor Frank Lambert and widowed beautician Carol Foster meet, fall in love and quickly get married. Both have three children and when the families all move in together the kids and parents have a lot of learning to do. Shows typically revolve around blending the kids together, getting...
Plot: In this programme, historian Simon Schama explores the story of the Jewish people from ancient times to the present day. The story begins 3,000 years ago when a tribal people emerged in a contested land and had a stormy relationship with a faceless, formless God. Schama goes on to explain how the ancient...
Plot: A literature expert sheds light on the French historical novel 'Les Miserables' written by Victor Hugo, which was published in 1862 and is considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century.
Plot: Open All Night is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from November 28, 1981 to March 5, 1982. The show centered on Gordon Feester and his oddball family work in an all-night chain grocery store named 364 Store that is open everyday except Christmas. Wikipedia
Plot: Tomorrow When the War Began is an Australian drama television series based on the Tomorrow series by John Marsden, produced by Michael Boughen and Tony Winley and executive produced by Matthew Street and Kim Vecera. Wikipedia