Plot: The Masked Singer Malaysia is Malaysian mystery and reality music show based on the Masked Singer franchise which originated from the South Korean television program King of Mask Singer. The program is set to premiere its first season in September 2020, on Astro Warna and hosted by AC Mizal. Wikipedia...
Plot: "The Big Stage" is a non-competitive platform for talented acts from around the world to display their mastery of performance; disciplines range from singing and stand-up to impressive acrobatics and aerial dance, along with everything in between.
Plot: Asmara is an Indonesian soap opera television series that aired on RCTI daily at 7:00 p.m. in 2012. Produced by SinemArt, it starred Velove Vexia, Glenn Alinskie, Yasmine Wildblood, Fero Walandouw, Arifin Putra, and others. Wikipedia
Plot: Anugerah Juara Lagu, commonly known by the acronym AJL, is a popular annual music competition in Malaysia, organised by TV3 since 1986. It features the best musical and lyrical compositions of each year it is held. Wikipedia
Plot: Akademi Fantasia is Malaysia's first reality television show in which a number of contestants called students compete for the winning title and a chance to start their career in the entertainment industry. The first season premiered on 3 June 2003 and was one of Astro Ria's highest rated shows. Wikipedia...