Plot: Mexican TV series. The Polivoces (multi-voices) is a comedy duo with a gift for voice impressions, creating satirical sketches of the famous people of the sixties and seventies, while also creating characters of their own. Accompanied by other comedians, they dress as other men (and women) to make fun...
Plot: Roberto Mario Gómez y Bolaños, more commonly known by his stage name Chespirito, or "Little Shakespeare" was a Mexican comedian, actor, screenwriter, director, and producer who was regarded as one of Latin America's most beloved comedians. He is mostly known by his acting role Chavo from the...
Plot: Sueños y Caramelos is a Mexican telenovela produced by Carlos Moreno Laguillo for Televisa in 2005. It is a remake of La PÃcara Soñadora. On January 24, 2005, Canal de las Estrellas started broadcasting Sueños y caramelos weekdays at 4:00pm, replacing Misión S.O.S. Wikipedia
Plot: Los Caquitos is a sketch comedy of the Chespirito television comedy program that ran from 1980 to 1995. It was created by Roberto Gómez Bolaños, who also played one of the title characters, "El Chómpiras". Wikipedia
Plot: MarÃa Leone, a woman fighting for the rights of her textile factory co-workers, meets Franco Uribe, the consultant hired to destroy the company.
Plot: Alguna vez tendremos alas is a Mexican telenovela produced by Florinda Meza for Televisa in 1997. On January 6, 1997, Canal de las Estrellas started broadcasting Alguna vez tendremos alas weekdays at 8:00pm, replacing Mujer, casos de la vida real. Wikipedia
Plot: Milagro y magia is a Mexican telenovela produced by Roberto Gómez Bolaños and Florinda Meza for Televisa in 1991. It starred by Florinda Meza, Miguel Palmer, Ofelia Guilmáin, Tony Carbajal, Carlos Bracho and Rafael Sánchez Navarro. Wikipedia