Plot: Mexican TV series. The Polivoces (multi-voices) is a comedy duo with a gift for voice impressions, creating satirical sketches of the famous people of the sixties and seventies, while also creating characters of their own. Accompanied by other comedians, they dress as other men (and women) to make fun...
Plot: La Tremenda Corte was a radio comedy show produced from the Radiocentro CMQ Building in Havana, Cuba. The scripts were written by Cástor Vispo, a Spaniard who became Cuban citizen. The show was aired nonstop from 1942 to 1961. Wikipedia
Plot: Siempre en Domingo is a Mexican variety show created and hosted by Raúl Velasco. The show aired on Televisa from December 14, 1969 until April 19, 1998 when Velasco retired. Siempre en Domingo became one of the most important, influential and popular TV shows in IberoAmerica. Wikipedia
Plot: Roberto Mario Gómez y Bolaños, more commonly known by his stage name Chespirito, or "Little Shakespeare" was a Mexican comedian, actor, screenwriter, director, and producer who was regarded as one of Latin America's most beloved comedians. He is mostly known by his acting role Chavo from the...
Plot: This series tells the misadventures of Chavo, an eight year old orphan living alone in a Mexican 'vecindad'. The roles of the children -- Quico, Chilindrina, Ãoño, Chavo and Popis -- are played by adults.
Plot: Yo Soy is a singing and impersonation competition show. It is the Peruvian version of the European show I am..., which has its own versions in other countries. It was presented by Adolfo Aguilar and Karen Schwarz up to starts of 2015. In the middle of 2015, it is presented with Cristian Rivero and...
Plot: La Voz is an American Spanish-language singing competition television series broadcast on Telemundo. The show premiered January 13, 2019, and is based on the original The Voice of Holland, and part of the global franchise The Voice that aims to find aspiring singers, age 18 or over, drawn from public...