Plot: Travel Channel's fascination with mysteries grows with this series, adding it to a catalog that also features "Mysteries at the Castle," "Mysteries at the Museum" and "Monumental Mysteries." America's vast network of national parks -- dense expanses of virtually unexplored wilderness -- offers breeding...
Plot: Seven families from around the country take the vacation of a lifetime, competing against each other for a dream prize. The families travel along the legendary Route 66, through big towns and small, and past iconic American backdrops like the Grand Canyon and the St. Louis archway, as well as less-...
Plot: Host Jack Steward joins Colton Smith to travel to America's greatest treasures -- the awe-inspiring national parks -- and to spotlight their beauty and wildlife. The series and its hosts tap into people's love affair with the widely varied natural preserves -- and remind Americans to hit the road and...
Plot: Travel Channel's fascination with mysteries grows with this series, adding it to a catalog that also features "Mysteries at the Castle," "Mysteries at the Museum" and "Monumental Mysteries." America's vast network of national parks -- dense expanses of virtually unexplored wilderness -- offers breeding...
Plot: Simultaneously a biography of both historical and contemporary characters and a uniquely American idea, this 12-hour, six-part documentary, directed by Ken Burns and co-produced with writer Dayton Duncan, traces the evolution of national parks beginning in the mid-1800s and follows it over the next...