Plot: National Geographic Channel turns its state-of-the-art cameras on America for a close-up of its national parks. More than three years in the making, the eight-part series goes beyond the homegrown beauty to allow viewers to witness moments full of drama, watch stories of life and death, and discover...
Plot: Trying to run a business in the heavily regulated national parks of England and Scotland can be difficult, causing the business owners a number of trials and tribulations. This programme, presented by filmmaker Richard Macer, examines the problems those businesses face. Among the stories told are that...
Plot: Simultaneously a biography of both historical and contemporary characters and a uniquely American idea, this 12-hour, six-part documentary, directed by Ken Burns and co-produced with writer Dayton Duncan, traces the evolution of national parks beginning in the mid-1800s and follows it over the next...
Plot: Host Jack Steward joins Colton Smith to travel to America's greatest treasures -- the awe-inspiring national parks -- and to spotlight their beauty and wildlife. The series and its hosts tap into people's love affair with the widely varied natural preserves -- and remind Americans to hit the road and...