Plot: In April of 1941 Germans occupied Zagreb, capital of Croatia, and installed a quisling government. This series, partly based on true events and persons, and partly on fiction, covers the activities of resistance movement, led by Communists. In April of 1941 Germans occupied Zagreb, capital of Croatia...
Plot: Bitange i princeze is a situation comedy which aired from 2005 to 2010 on Croatian Radio Television. The series is set in Zagreb, and shows the daily lives of a group of five friends living in two neighbouring apartments, similar to the plot in Friends. However, it contains elements of parody. Wikipedia...
Plot: This series, mostly humorous, yet epic in proportions, chronicles the city of Split in turbulent times between 1910 and 1947. Although the story has numerous subplots and dozens of different characters, the main accent is given to "Hajduk", world-famous soccer club and its founders. This series, mostly...
Plot: Bibin svijet is a humorous series that started broadcasting on April 18, 2006, and ended on January 15, 2011 on the RTL TV program in Croatia. Bibin svijet was directed by Aldo Tardozzi. It is one of the few Croatian series that was aired long after it was shot. Wikipedia
Plot: Naši i Vaši is a Croatian comedy TV series whose pilot episode aired in 2000 on HRT. The first season of the series had seven episodes, and the second and last season's 15 episodes counters. Wikipedia
Plot: With WWI finally ending in 1918, Croatian journalist Kresimir Horvat travels from Zagreb to his village of Vucjak in Zagorje and becomes a witness of history as Austria-Hungarian Empire dissolves.
Plot: The story of this cult Croatian TV-series is set in a remote Podravina village and revolves around a peasant Dudek and his wife Regica, whose troubles ensue from his honest and naive nature, since his fellow villagers take advantage of him to the greatest extent. The story of this cult Croatian TV-series...