Description: The story of this cult Croatian TV-series is set in a remote Podravina village and revolves around a peasant Dudek and his wife Regica, whose troubles ensue from his honest and naive nature, since his fellow villagers take advantage of him to the greatest extent. The story of this cult Croatian TV-series is set in a remote Podravina village and revolves around a peasant Dudek and his wife Regica, whose troubles ensue from his honest and naive nature, since his fellow villagers take advantage of him to the greatest extent.
Genre: Comedy
Year Released: 1975
Number of seasons: 1
Number of episodes: 10
First episode air date: September 21, 1975
Network: Yugoslav Radio Television
Cast: Martin Sagner
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Genre: Comedy
Year Released: 1975
Number of seasons: 1
Number of episodes: 10
First episode air date: September 21, 1975
Network: Yugoslav Radio Television
Cast: Martin Sagner
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