Plot: Avrupa Yakası is a Turkish sitcom, produced by Sinan Ãetin and written by Gülse Birsel. The series was shot at Plato Film studios and its first episode was broadcast on ATV on 11 February 2004. Hakan Algül directed the first season of the series, which was a completely domestic production...
Plot: In one of the most well-equipped hospitals in the country, Surgical Department President Operator Dr. Haldun Goksun and his team continue to save lives every new day. A doctor and his assistants are not missing love makers, strict friendships and heartbreaks. In one of the most well-equipped hospitals...
Plot: After her death, Ruhsar returns as a ghost to be with his husband Mazhar, but she must use her magical abilities to protect their happiness from Mazhar's mother, who is unaware of Ruhsar's presence, makes her best to remarry his son with another woman. After her death, Ruhsar returns as a ghost to be...
Plot: Dadi is a Turkish remake of The Nanny, one of the most successful sitcoms in the US in the 90's. The program is set in Istanbul. It is broadcast to countries outside Turkey such as Australia, where it is shown on SBS. Wikipedia
Plot: Dadi is a Turkish remake of The Nanny, one of the most successful sitcoms in the US in the 90's. The program is set in Istanbul. It is broadcast to countries outside Turkey such as Australia, where it is shown on SBS. Wikipedia
Plot: Ömer and Zeynep are a lovely couple, a delightful parents. Their naughty children are their lives. And Zeynep has beautiful sister Sibel. They are a crowded but funny, cheerful family.
Plot: Bahar is rushing for everything. Nazim does not move for anything. Bahar always thinks of the future, Nazim lives the moment. Bahar is a ruling feminine. There is, however, a very strong adhesive that holds them together; love. Nazim fell in love with Bahar during his university years. Bahar is rushing...