Plot: Father Mitch Pacwa hosts this interview series designed to teach and prepare people for evangelism. Whether the topic is Protestant theology or the nature and dignity of women, or a religious figure such as Mother Teresa or Pope Pius XII, the lively discussions between Pacwa and his invited guests...
Plot: God's Greatest Hits is a Canadian music documentary television series, which airs on VisionTV. Each episode of the series focuses on one or more popular spiritual songs, such as Christian hymns and ... Wikipedia
Plot: David Paul Jeremiah is an American conservative evangelical Christian author, founder of Turning Point Radio and Television Ministries and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church, a Southern Baptist megachurch in El Cajon, California, a suburb of San Diego. Wikipedia
Plot: Doug Keck and his special guests focus on the personal lives and works of famous Catholic authors and explain the themes and philosophies of their writings.
Plot: The Shepherd's Grove Church is a community of wounded healers and broken people who have found redemption in God. Through a weekly podcast, television show, and various church services, the program brings the message of God to thousands of people around the country. Join Bobby Schuller as he prays,...
Plot: Before his hugely popular program on Comedy Central came along, Jon Stewart cut his teeth in the talk show realm with this late-night offering, which followed the genre's same basic formula -- an opening monologue, and then interviews with celebrities and local personalities. It was unique, however...