Plot: A Bite of China is a Chinese documentary television series on the history of food, eating, and cooking in China directed by Chen Xiaoqing, narrated by Li Lihong with original music composed by Roc Chen. It first aired 14 May 2012 on China Central Television and quickly gained high ratings and widespread...
Plot: With food as the starting point, a description of the development of Cantonese cuisine. It shows Shunde's distinctive and thick regional cultural characteristics, changes and impacts.
Plot: Flavorful Origins is a 40-part Mandarin-language television documentary series, exploring culinary secrets of China and the various cooking techniques and cuisines with native Asian ingredients from the Chaoshan, Yunnan, and Gansu regions. Wikipedia
Plot: Aerial China, also known as Bird's-eye China, is a Chinese documentary television series showcasing the country's landscape via only aerial videos. It aimed to consist of a total of 34 episodes and cover all of ChinaΓ’s 23 provinces, five autonomous regions, four municipalities and...