Plot: Who needs sleep? Staying awake for 24 hours could earn a contestant a chance at $1 million on this comedic game show. Each episode features contestants who have gone without sleep for a day as they stumble their way through challenges for their shot at the $1 million prize. Challenges range from the...
Plot: Professional wrestler-turned-MMA fighter CM Punk joins retired NFL player Tiki Barber as the co-host for the third season of "Ultimate Beastmaster: U.S." But that is not the only change of note. The show has also introduced a semifinal round for the first time. There are two semifinals, each featuring...
Plot: "Jeopardy!" is a classic game show -- with a twist. The answers are given first, and the contestants supply the questions. Three contestants, including the previous show's champion, compete in six categories and in three rounds (with each round's "answers" being worth more prize money). In the third...
Plot: Four friends challenge each other with a series of awkward and outrageous dares. If any of the four refuses to complete a dare, he loses and must endure punishment.
Plot: Many magic tricks contain little or no harm for those performing them -- a deck of cards isn't very dangerous -- but others not only pose a threat to the performers, but have actually proved to be deadly in the past. It's the latter group of tricks that are featured on this show starring Drummond Money...
Plot: "Big Brother" meets "Catfish" on this reality series on which not everything is as it seems. Comic Michelle Buteau hosts the show that features its contestants moving into the same apartment building. The twist is that the players never meet face-to-face during the competition, as each one lives in...
Plot: In his more than 30 years in the hip-hop industry, Grammy winner Jermaine Dupri has mentored a number of young talents who have made it big in the industry, including Bow Wow and Da Brat. He continues that work on "The Rap Game," in which five young rappers between the ages of 12 and 16 compete to...