Plot: Hosted by Ben Shephard, Rochelle Humes and Chris Kamara, this British version of the Japanese obstacle course show `Sasuka' sees 250 competitors from across the country take on the first stage, consisting of six different obstacles. From the five qualifying rounds, the ten contestants who make it the...
Plot: As a professional chef, fiery Gordon Ramsay is known for complex recipes. In this programme, however, he opts for simpler dishes to allow people to replicate them in their own homes. The recipes may be simpler and quicker to make than in his restaurant, but they're still the high-quality meals people...
Plot: Join Chef Adrian Richardson and nutritionist Zoe Bingley-Pullin as they bring their distinctive styles of cooking to the screen for a food showdown.
Plot: Alex Guarnaschelli hosts as four chefs square off in a competitive pop-up kitchen outside a grocery store. Assigned a theme for each round, the chefs must size up shoppers as they exit the store and attempt to negotiate for their grocery bags.
Plot: Actress Valerie Bertinelli modernizes favorite recipes that have been passed down through her family over the years in this weekly series. Her closest friends -- including "Hot in Cleveland" co-stars Betty White, Jane Leeves and Wendie Malick -- are the beneficiaries of Bertinelli's cooking, as she...
Plot: Roger Mooking has a fascination with fire. The chef enjoys finding inventive ways to cook with fire, which is exactly what he does in this series that takes him on a journey across the U.S. He visits pit-masters, chefs and home cooks who use fire to create complex, flavorful dishes. The people Mooking...
Plot: This series addresses the issue of rising food prices, looking at how they are affecting both finances and eating habits. Is it possible to eat on a lower budget without compromising on quality? Exploring two theories are master chef Gregg Wallace and award-winning greengrocer Chris Bavin. Gregg and...
Plot: Restoration man George Clarke shows how a modern interior can transform a period home without messing with the home's history. In each programme, George tackles two very different makeovers on properties from the same architectural era.
Plot: Home is where the heart is for Rachel Khoo in the first edition of her `Kitchen Notebook' series. The acclaimed cook and food writer is back in the city of her birth, getting reacquainted with one of the world's most exciting capitals and its fantastic cuisine. She shares her culinary passion with...
Plot: The Hairy Bikers, two big hearted and down-to-earth cooks, have been travelling the world together in pursuit of great food for over 20 years. After several series trailing their adventures across the British Isles and beyond, the duo have cemented their position as the UK's most popular cookery writing...
Plot: Rachel Khoo shares how to find the joy in cooking, whether it's the satisfying squelch of kneading bread or cooking up a feast from her kitchen in Sweden.
Plot: John Torode goes on an incredible journey to track down the best food from the Middle East. On his travels John hears fascinating stories from the locals, as well as picking up helpful cooking tips.
Plot: Adam Liaw discovers the vast and ancient country of China, exploring its history through its food whilst at the same time exploring his own family history. Adam Liaw embarks upon his adventure across China, beginning in his mum's hometown of Beijing, he then travels through the provinces that gave...
Plot: Rachel Allen, an Irish celebrity chef, goes on a road trip through coastal Ireland to show how to make delectable dishes with the best and naturally-sourced ingredients of the region.
Plot: As a professional chef, fiery Gordon Ramsay is known for complex recipes. In this programme, however, he opts for simpler dishes to allow people to replicate them in their own homes. The recipes may be simpler and quicker to make than in his restaurant, but they're still the high-quality meals people...