Plot: A collection of short films focusing on unique entertainment locations from around the globe, some featuring the height of luxury, others focusing on the excitement and adventure of the human spirit.
Plot: The "cheftestants" travel nearly 1,000 miles through California in this season of "Top Chef." They face culinary challenges in six cities, including Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco, where the show began in Season 1. Tasks include cooking under the Hollywood sign for top food writers and ser...
Plot: The Project is a New Zealand current affairs show hosted by Jesse Mulligan, Kanoa Lloyd and Jeremy Corbett with rotating guest panelists. It draws topical and controversial current affairs content as well as comedy from recent news stories.
Plot: MasterChef is an Indonesian competitive cooking reality show based on the original British series of the same name, opens to amateur and home chefs. Produced by Endemol Shine Group, it debuted on 1 May 2011 on RCTI and has seven seasons so far. Wikipedia
Plot: Ronald Alan Masak is an American actor. He began as a stage performer, and much of his work was in theater until he transitioned to film and television, where he became a familiar character actor. Wikipedia