Plot: Anos Rebeldes was a popular telenovela which first aired on the Brazilian television Rede Globo on July 14, 1992. It was the first serial drama to highlight themes and stories of political violence and the repressed who were under the military regime. Wikipedia
Plot: O Quinto dos Infernos is a 2002 Brazilian historical comedy television miniseries. It was written by Carlos Lombardi, and directed by Wolf Maya and 48 episodes were produced. The protagonist was Marcos Pasquim. Wikipedia
Plot: Maysa: Quando Fala o Coração is a 2009 Brazilian miniseries written by Manoel Carlos and directed by Jayme Monjardim. It's starring Larissa Maciel in the role of Maysa Matarazzo. In 2009, was nominated for Best TV Movie/Mini-Series at the 37th International Emmy Awards. Wikipedia