Plot: Fox News mainstay Bill O'Reilly jumps behind the camera, serving as executive producer of this series that explores stories behind some of the most famous -- and infamous -- figures of the Old West. Each episode delves into the life of one such individual, using new interviews, archival photos and...
Plot: Noted food blogger and cookbook author Ree Drummond, known to her fans as "The Pioneer Woman," is a sassy former city slicker who has moved to a ranch in Oklahoma to live with her rancher husband and their children (not to mention her extended family, a menagerie of animals). Drummond makes the jump...
Plot: Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All is a 1994 American television miniseries written by Joyce Eliason and based on the 1989 novel by Allan Gurganus. It was directed by Ken Cameron and starred Diane Lane, Donald Sutherland, Cicely Tyson and Anne Bancroft. Wikipedia
Plot: Jean Donovan (Melissa Gilbert) is a missionary who willingly travels to El Salvador to aid the poor in the midst of a civil war. Donovan becomes a follower of Archbishop Oscar Romero (Rene Enriquez), who is a staunch opponent of the brutal military-controlled Salvadorian government. After Romero is...
Plot: BeckyLyn, a member of the Fundamentalist Sect, is wrongly accused of a crime she did not commit. Her life changes when her son decides to prove her innocence.
Plot: The adventures of the richest boy in the world and his friends and servants. Evelyn Salt is a CIA agent and highly respected by all, including her boss, Ted Winter. Out of the blue, a Russian spy walks into their offices and offers a vital piece of information: the President of Russia will be assassinated...