Plot: Emmy winner Mike Judge has made a name for himself as an animator and producer ("King of the Hill," "Beavis and Butt-Head," "Silicon Valley"), but it's his lesser-known roots as a musician that equally informs "Tales From the Tour Bus." The half-hour series, which Judge co-created, executive produces...
Plot: Kumiko and Kenichi meet in college and build a happy marriage together. But over time, an unusual problem threatens to destroy their relationship.
Plot: This drama series tells the tale of Rio, a jaded rom-com screenwriter in her 30s who doesn't know what to do for her next story. In search of a new idea, she -- under the guise of providing romantic advice -- mines four lovesick women for their experiences. When she spots a common thread between what...
Plot: Frustrated by life with her boyfriend, thirty-something Wako can't stop herself from being interested in high schooler Yumeaki, despite their age gap.
Plot: Lucifer, a demon, returns from hell to reside in Los Angeles and runs a club. He soon gets involved with the local police and assists them in solving tricky criminal cases.
Plot: Superheroes are often as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians, and sometimes even as revered as gods. But that's when they're using their powers for good. What happens when the heroes go rogue and start abusing their powers? When it's the powerless against the super powerful, the Boys...