Plot: Directed by François Pomès, this two-part documentary chronicles the epic adventure of the Apollo space program, which included both tragic setbacks and historic successes. The first phase takes place against a backdrop of the Cold War, from the disaster of the Apollo 1 mission to the triumph...
Plot: The inside story of NASA's iconic, reusable spacecraft, featuring the thoughts of some of the men and women who designed, built and flew them. Recounting how the shuttle missions changed the world, and mankind's relationship with space.
Plot: On Jul. 20, 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the Moon -- eight years after President John F. Kennedy's Moon Shot speech to a joint session of Congress. Smithsonian Channel celebrates the 50th anniversary of this historic event with a 6-part series that tells the entire...
Plot: Dr Hannah Fry, Paul McGann and Philippa Perry explore the thrilling era of the 1890s, a period of great change and technological innovation that inspired and reshaped the cultural landscape in ways that still resonate today. From medical quacks pushing battery-powered cure-alls to the frightening new...
Plot: Discovery Channel chronicles the first 50 years of space travel - from the first Mercury flights through the Gemini program to the Apollo moon landings, the Space Shuttle, and the construction of the International Space Station - with this dazzling six-hour documentary. The programme incorporates interviews...
Plot: Historian Ruth Goodman and archaeologists Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold go back in time a few hundred years - figuratively, at least - as they learn how to build a medieval castle using only tools, techniques and materials that were available in the 13th century. It is an extensive project, which is part...
Plot: Professor Alice Roberts and archaeologist Neil Oliver explore the world of the Celts in this three-part documentary. In reviewing the origins and culture of the ancient civilisation, the presenters use drama reconstructions and the latest findings to uncover theories of the relationship between the...
Plot: In 2010, History's 12-hour series `America the Story of Us' illustrated how technology advanced human progress throughout American history. This follow-up series takes it a step further by expanding beyond America and taking a look at how technology has evolved throughout the world. The series covers...