Plot: Sasuke is a Japanese sports entertainment television special, airing since 1997, in which 100 competitors attempt to complete a four-stage obstacle course. An edited version, named Ninja Warrior, is screened in at least 18 other countries. Wikipedia
Plot: Dewa is an Indonesian soap opera television series which aired on RCTI from October 3, 2011 to February 10, 2012. The series was written by Serena Luna and directed by Desiana Larasati, stars Naysila Mirdad, Dude Harlino, Baim Wong and others. Wikipedia
Plot: Sejuta Cinta Marshanda is a television drama that aired on RCTI and TV3 in Indonesia. Actors include Marshanda, Baim Wong, Ashraf Sinclair, Ben Kasyafani, Tsania Marwa, Ibnu Jamil, Putri Patricia, Wilda Hamid, Meriam Bellina, Annie Anwar, and Vicky Burky. Wikipedia
Plot: Safa dan Marwah is an Indonesian TV serial that was aired on RCTI. It was produced video productions house public distributor company network by SinemArt directed by Desiana Larasati. Wikipedia
Plot: The Scooby-Doo gang travels in the Mystery Machine looking forward to adventure during their last summer together. However, they encounter monsters that threaten to thwart their journey.