Plot: Sol de Verão is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 11 October 1982 and ended on 18 March 1983, with a total of 133 episodes. It's the twenty ninth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. Wikipedia
Plot: Você Decide was an interactive television program broadcast on the Brazilian TV network Rede Globo from 1992 to 2000. During each episode special cases were presented, and viewers would decide the ending through phone votes. Wikipedia
Plot: Amor com Amor Se Paga is a Brazilian telenovela produced and displayed at the time of 18 hours by Rede Globo, March 19 to September 14, 1984, in 155 chapters. Substitute Voltei pra Você and be s쳮ded by Livre para Voar. Wikipedia
Plot: Chega Mais is a Brazilian telenovela that premiered in 3 March 1980 replacing Marron Glacê at the traditional 7 pm timeslot. It is created by Carlos Eduardo Novaes, and directed by Gonzaga Blota, Walter Campos, Roberto Vignati and Reynaldo Boury. Wikipedia
Plot: Malu Mulher was a TV series broadcast by Rede Globo from May 24, 1979 to December 22, 1980, written and directed by Daniel Filho. The theme song, Começar de novo, was a great hit in the voice of one of Brazil's greatest popular female singer, Simone. Wikipedia
Plot: Fogo sobre Terra is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 8 May 1974 and ended on 4 January 1975, with a total of 209 episodes in Black and white. It's the fourteenth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. Wikipedia
Plot: Coração Alado is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 11 August 1980 and ended on 14 March 1981, with a total of 185 episodes. It's the twenty fifth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. It is created and written by Janete Clair and directed by...
Plot: Escalada is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 6 January 1975 and ended on 23 August 1975, with a total of 197 episodes in Black and white. It's the fifteenth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. Wikipedia
Plot: O Homem Que Deve Morrer is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 14 June 1971 and ended on 8 April 1972, with a total of 258 episodes. It is the tenth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. Wikipedia