Plot: Hotshot assistant inspector of police Reiko is only twenty seven, but leads her Tokyo-based unit with confidence and rigour. She has a good track record and often underestimated, but her team trusts her. Her detectives are a mixture of the veteran and rookie. A corpse is discovered in Tokyo and Reiko...
Plot: Koyama Kazumi is an optimistic and generous college student that will go as far as indebting himself to help others. Yet this becomes a problem when he asks a money lender for a loan, which endangers his possibilities of getting a job. Komiyama Kazumi is a rather optimistic and cheerful, though a bit...
Plot: A new detective in the Mobile Investigative Unit (known as "MIU") of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department who does not trust other people works with an inexperienced detective and attempts to solve cases within 24 hours. The MIU, Mobile Investigation Unit, is the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department...
Plot: There is a new directive that stipulates all interrogations by the cops should be recorded. The cops gather at their headquarters to ostensibly be trained on what this means for their work. They are told to interrogate suspects correctly, but witness one who seemingly regrets nothing. When the interrogation...
Plot: Nippon Noir: He suddenly wakes up in the middle of a forest. Next to him is the corpse of a female detective. In his hand is a gun. For some reason, the last several months are erased from his memory. D.
Plot: A live-action workplace comedy about Gary, an associate demon, as he attempts to capture souls on earth in order to climb the corporate ladder of the underworld Police Officer Atsushi Enami was a capable detective with MPD's First Investigation Division. For a certain reason, he was demoted to Okutama...