Plot: Zettai Reido is a Japanese police procedural television drama. The first season, subtitled Mikaiketsu Jiken Tokumei SÅsa, was set in a fictional version of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department division that specializes in investigating cold cases, which is based on an actual division established...
Plot: Kirin ga Kuru is a 2020 Japanese historical drama television series starring Hiroki Hasegawa as Akechi Mitsuhide, a samurai and general during the Sengoku period. The series is the 59th NHK taiga drama, premiering on January 19, 2020. It is the first regular taiga drama to be fully shot in 4K resolution...
Plot: BG Personal Bodyguard is a Japanese television crime drama series starring Takuya Kimura and written by Yumiko Inoue. It aired first in January 2018 on TV Asahi. The second season started running in April 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: Detective Novice is a Japanese action suspense drama starring Kento Nakajima and Sho Hirano. It was first scheduled to broadcast on April 11, 2020 on Nippon TV, but was postponed until June 27 of the same year due to the COVID-19 outbreak delaying the filming. Wikipedia
Plot: Meet Kaoru Mitazono. A professional housekeeper who is the best at the field and loves to pry into dirty secrets of every household. But Mitazono has secrets, too. One of them is, obviously, that he is a cross dresser.
Plot: Hanzawa Naoki is a 2013 and 2020 Japanese television series by Japanese broadcaster TBS based on the Hanzawa Naoki series of novels by Jun Ikeido. It follows the story of Hanzawa Naoki, a banker working for the largest bank in Japan, Tokyo Chuo Bank. Wikipedia
Plot: A new detective in the Mobile Investigative Unit (known as "MIU") of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department who does not trust other people works with an inexperienced detective and attempts to solve cases within 24 hours. The MIU, Mobile Investigation Unit, is the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department...
Plot: There is a new directive that stipulates all interrogations by the cops should be recorded. The cops gather at their headquarters to ostensibly be trained on what this means for their work. They are told to interrogate suspects correctly, but witness one who seemingly regrets nothing. When the interrogation...