Plot: Cinta Fitri is an Indonesian television series with 7 seasons and 1,002 episodes that ran for 4 years. It was produced by MD Entertainment headed by Manoj Punjabi and Dhamoo Punjabi. It aired at 20:30 on SCTV between 2 April 2007 until 28 November 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Tukang Bubur Naik Haji is an Indonesian soap opera that aired on RCTI every day on 18.30 until 19.45. It was produced by SinemArt. Players such as Mat Solar, Uci Bing Slamet, Citra Kirana, Aditya Herpavi Rachman, and much more appeared. Wikipedia
Plot: Tells the story of a warrior named Angling Dharma (Anto Wijaya) wandering in the land of Java and rescued a girl daughter of a king from the shackles of supernatural beings. Finally as a gift, he made the husband. And later, because of his wisdom, he became a king inherited the throne in-law. Various...
Plot: Kisah 9 Wali is an Indonesian historical-drama TV series. This TV series was first aired of on June 28, 2014, the first day of Ramadan. This TV series will only run when Ramadan. This TV series tells about the story of 9 Wali spreading Islam on Java Island. Wikipedia
Plot: Tutur Tinular is an Indonesian historical-drama radio series. Consists of 24 chapters with a total of 720 episodes, it was first aired in January 1989. At its prime, it was aired on 515 radio stations in Indonesia with millions of listeners. It was adapted to movies from 1989-1992. Wikipedia