Plot: Tells the story of a warrior named Angling Dharma (Anto Wijaya) wandering in the land of Java and rescued a girl daughter of a king from the shackles of supernatural beings. Finally as a gift, he made the husband. And later, because of his wisdom, he became a king inherited the throne in-law. Various...
Plot: Misteri Gunung Merapi is an Indonesian historical-drama television series, produced by Genta Buana Pitaloka. It first aired on Indosiar in November 1, 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: Singgasana Brama Kumbara is an Indonesian historical-drama television series, produced by PT. Menaragading Citraperkasa. It is an adaptation of a popular radio series "Saur Sepuh" with some changes in the plot. It was first aired on ANTV on March 4, 1995. Wikipedia