Plot: The Masked Singer Malaysia is Malaysian mystery and reality music show based on the Masked Singer franchise which originated from the South Korean television program King of Mask Singer. The program is set to premiere its first season in September 2020, on Astro Warna and hosted by AC Mizal. Wikipedia...
Plot: Raja Lawak Astro is a Malaysian TV reality show that searches for comedic talent. It started broadcasting in early 2007. Every week contestants perform a joke according to the theme set on stage. They are judged to choose winners to proceed to the next round. Wikipedia
Plot: When college senior Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson) steps in for her sick roommate to interview prominent businessman Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) for their campus paper, little does she realize the path her life will take. Christian, as enigmatic as he is rich and powerful, finds himself strange...
Plot: Oh My English! is a Malaysian educational comedy series which debuted on 20 May 2012, on Astro TVIQ. The series ended on 17 December 2017. Wikipedia