Plot: For years, railways have linked people across the whole of Great Britain and the charms of the British landscape are best captured through the window of a train as it rolls through the countryside. However, in the 1960s, a significant proportion of the railway network was closed, and these railways...
Plot: Many of the world's most spectacular railways were constructed during history's most turbulent periods and are now associated with some of mankind's ugliest deeds. A vast number of the stories surrounding these railroads have been lost to the passing years and are now unknown, even to those that work...
Plot: Scotland's railway network connects coastal towns and rural villages through a landscape voted the world's most beautiful railway. Meeting the people who work on the trains and the enthusiasts who safeguard the iconic routes.
Plot: Michael Portillo is in Southeast Asia, armed with his 1913 Bradshaw's Handbook. It will lead him on a spectacular 2,500-mile railway adventure across six countries. He explores towering megacities and magnificent mosques.