Plot: Railways have been a popular method of transport since the 18th century (and have been around even longer than that). In this three-part programme, presenter Dan Snow demonstrates how the early rail systems of the 18th century quickly developed into a catalyst for the start of the Industrial Revolution...
Plot: Many of the world's most spectacular railways were constructed during history's most turbulent periods and are now associated with some of mankind's ugliest deeds. A vast number of the stories surrounding these railroads have been lost to the passing years and are now unknown, even to those that work...
Plot: Following on from the show `Extreme Railway Journeys' which saw him embark on a number of trips overseas, Chris Tarrant returns with this three-part series that focuses on the impact the invention of the train has had on the United Kingdom. Through a series of visits to historical sites, Tarrant documents...
Plot: For years, railways have linked people across the whole of Great Britain and the charms of the British landscape are best captured through the window of a train as it rolls through the countryside. However, in the 1960s, a significant proportion of the railway network was closed, and these railways...
Plot: `The Railway: First Great Western' is a workplace documentary series that shows what life is like for the employees of First Great Western, one of Britain's largest train operating companies. A team of drivers, managers, ticket inspectors and technicians work daily to connect the capital to the southwest...
Plot: Home movies help tell the story of how bands of volunteers got together to save some of Britain's railway tracks and the steam engines that ran on them.
Plot: Paul O'Grady goes on a very personal journey through the history of the British working class to find out how work shaped our communities, and what happened when those iconic jobs disappeared.
Plot: Written and presented by British journalist David Dimbleby, `Seven Ages of Britain' traces 2,000 years of the country's history through the arts - both as objects that have often played a decisive part in events and as marvels of their age. Dimbleby visits countries including Italy, Germany, Turkey...