Plot: "E! True Hollywood Story" delves into issues of spirituality, music, drugs, fame, and celebrity and will also have some of Hollywood's insider names give their take on gripping stories trending in pop culture. Each episode features captivating first-person accounts and POVs of trendsetters, visionaries...
Plot: This long-running entertainment-focused show is heavy on celebrity gossip and behind-the-scenes stories in Hollywood. A team of correspondents presents stories and celebrity interviews, all focused on the latest happenings in the entertainment industry. The show often features reports originating from...
Plot: This entrant in the crowded entertainment news-show genre features a trio of hosts -- Ross Mathews, Garcelle Beauvais and Tanner Thomason -- who discuss the latest trending topics from Hollywood and pop culture. All the usual suspects -- including celebrity interviews and red-carpet movie premieres...
Plot: Emerging African-American filmmakers get the chance to showcase their short films in this contest. Hundreds of applicants have been narrowed to 10, and after each of the films is featured on the show, the winner of the grand prize -- the opportunity to produce a short film for BET -- is picked. Kim...