Plot: Thirty years after "Bodies in Motion" first debuted on television, fitness guru Gilad Janklowicz is back with new episodes of challenging and innovative aerobic routines. Gilad weaves the best of strength training, circuit training, cardio bursts, kickboxing and martial arts into one-of-a-kind workouts...
Plot: "Denise Austin's Daily Workout" is a 30-minute exercise series shot on location at The Ritz in Jamaica. Episodes include challenging workouts that combine high-energy aerobics and spot reduction exercises designed to target specific areas of the body.
Plot: Yoga can be challenging, especially for beginners who may be apprehensive about trying something that they think is too daunting. Wanting to help those who are new to the exercise, fitness instructor Sarah Starr created an easier routine. Happy Yoga, as she calls it, is a modified program using chairs...
Plot: Hosted by Denise Austin and shot on location at The Homstead Spa and Resort in Virginia, "Fit & Lite" include yoga stretches, a low-impact aerobics segment and an anti-aging workout, along with Denise's daily health and exercise tips.
Plot: Adrienne Reed guides a class of students of varying skill levels through a yoga workout in this exercise series. In each 30-minute episode, Reed focuses on a different yoga theme, such as legs, core and upper body, and viewers can use the students as guides in order to work at his or her own level...
Plot: Thirty years after "Bodies in Motion" first debuted on television, fitness guru Gilad Janklowicz is back with new episodes of challenging and innovative aerobic routines. Gilad weaves the best of strength training, circuit training, cardio bursts, kickboxing and martial arts into one-of-a-kind workouts...
Plot: "Body Fuel" utilizes the services of a number of health, fitness and nutrition experts -- including hosts Romel Griarte and Joe Arko -- to help viewers maximize fitness results through the use of food and supplements. The program reveals how food and supplements impact a person's ability to create...