Description: Set during a incredibly tumultuous period of the Afrikaner's development between 1914 and 1948, the story follows the lives of four young men - Willem, P.G., Gerhard and Bennie - poor white miners who become involved in the 1914 Rebellion by chance. When the Rebellion is unsuccessful, the four young men find themselves at a crossroads - do they continue as before, or do they fight for freedom and a better future. They make the choice to fight, but each in his own way - Bennie through the church and politics, Willem through radical resistance, P.G. by means of the written word, and Gerhard through the trade unions. There and then they decide to cut open their hands and swear a pact to be blood brothers until the end. We follow their lives and see how each one falls in love and starts their own family, survive through the chaos of the 1922 mine workers' rebellion, the depression of the 1930s, the uncertain times during World War II and the build-up to the infamous 1948 election. But to share blood and swear yourselves to be blood brothers is one thing. To honor that oath through all the twists and turns of life is something completely different, especially when your life choice stand in stark contrast to the that of your blood brother. Set during a incredibly tumultuous period of the Afrikaner's development between 1914 and 1948, the story follows the lives of four young men - Willem, P.G., Gerhard and Bennie - poor white miners who become involved in the 1914 Rebellion by chance. When the Rebellion is unsuccessful, the four young men find themselves at a crossroads - do they continue as before, or do they fight for freedom and a better future. They make the choice to fight, but each in his own way - Bennie through the church and politics, Willem through radical resistance, P.G. by means of the written word, and Gerhard through the trade unions. There and then they decide to cut open their hands and swear a pact to be blood brothers until the end. We follow their lives and see how each one falls in love and starts their own family, survive through the chaos of the 1922 mine workers' rebellion, the depression of the 1930s, the uncertain times during World War II and the build-up to the infamous 1948 election. But to share blood and swear yourselves to be blood brothers is one thing. To honor that oath through all the twists and turns of life is something completely different, especially when your life choice stand in stark contrast to the that of your blood brother.
Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2015
Number of seasons: 1
Number of episodes: 13
First episode air date: October 13, 2015
Awards: Golden Horn Award for Best Achievement in Cinematography in a TV Drama, MORE
Program Creator: Deon Opperman
Cast: Neels Van Jaarsveld
Nominations: Golden Horn Award for Best Actor in a TV Drama, MORE
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Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2015
Number of seasons: 1
Number of episodes: 13
First episode air date: October 13, 2015
Awards: Golden Horn Award for Best Achievement in Cinematography in a TV Drama, MORE
Program Creator: Deon Opperman
Cast: Neels Van Jaarsveld
Nominations: Golden Horn Award for Best Actor in a TV Drama, MORE
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