Plot: Aslan Kiral is a tradesman who sells worms, leeches, rabbits and similar things at pet shop. For this reason, the intercommunication is worse with mother-in-law. Even with the difficulty of being the father of three daughters, Aslan found himself as a mother-in-law in a house where one and six women...
Plot: Instructor Aziz Gungor Esen, who wants to make his courses more interesting, decides to lecture the lesson topics. However, with the inept, pure and ambitious students of your theater club, things become incomprehensible.
Plot: Anyone has the chance to become a police officer when the minister of internal affairs devises a plan to pare down the crime rate and reconcile relations between the public and the police. According to his plan, anyone can become a police officer after undertaking a brief training session. To sabotage...
Plot: A new day at Berlin Zoo and Berlin Animal Park. Dimas, the one year old elephant, learns a new, tricky command. The keepers steal a few moments with the new sunbear cub and the springhare family gets new, extremely nosey neighbors. A new day at Berlin Zoo and Berlin Animal Park. Dimas, the one year...