Plot: The life story of three faithful schoolmates: Pervin, Gul and Ayse. As going through the struggles of life, they always back up each other. They are the three aces of a volleyball team, too. After being graduated, every year they meet at Naci Baba's (Father Naci) café for their anniversary. Each of...
Plot: Instructor Aziz Gungor Esen, who wants to make his courses more interesting, decides to lecture the lesson topics. However, with the inept, pure and ambitious students of your theater club, things become incomprehensible.
Plot: A new day at Berlin Zoo and Berlin Animal Park. Dimas, the one year old elephant, learns a new, tricky command. The keepers steal a few moments with the new sunbear cub and the springhare family gets new, extremely nosey neighbors. A new day at Berlin Zoo and Berlin Animal Park. Dimas, the one year...