Plot: Uchūsen Sagittarius is a 77-episode Japanese science fiction anime television series directed by Kazuyoshi Yokota and created by Nippon Animation and TV Asahi. It aired from January 10, 1986 to October 3, 1987. The series is based on comics created by Italian physicist Andrea Romoli. Wikipedia
Plot: The joys and heartaches of the Lawrence family of Pasadena, California. The trials and tribulations, joyous occasions and heartbreaking moments of the Lawrence family: lawyer father Doug, housewife Kate, married (and quickly divorced) daughter Nancy, teenage son Willie and just-hitting-puberty daughter...
Plot: Miracle Giants Dome-kun is a Japanese anime television series based on a manga by Shotaro Ishinomori. It ran for 49 episodes, animated at Studio Gallop, directed by Takashi Watanabe and follows the adventures of Dome Shinjo, a 10-year-old boy who is the son of a deceased legendary player of the Yomiuri...
Plot: The Enemy's the Pirates!: The Cat's Banquet is a 1989 Japanese science fiction action comedy original video animation series. It's based on a novel series by ChÅhei Kambayashi. Wikipedia
Plot: Blue Blink is a fantasy adventure anime series created by Osamu Tezuka. The anime is based from classic film Konjok-gorbunok by Ivan Ivanov-Vano. The film in turn is based from Pyotr Pavlovich Yershov's The Little Humpbacked Horse. This was Tezuka's last anime series. Wikipedia
Plot: Hoka Hoka Kazoku is a Japanese anime television series which aired weekdays on the Fuji TV Network in Japan between October 1, 1976 and March 31, 1982 for a total of 1428 five-minute episodes. It was sponsored by the National Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations. Wikipedia
Plot: Oraa Guzura Dado is a comedy manga series which was serialized on Weekly ShÅnen Sunday in 1967. The manga was based on Hiroshi Sasagawa's one-shot "Onboro KaijÅ« Guzura" published in the same magazine the previous year as the clumsy and straightforward character of Guzura was very popular...
Plot: Kinkyū Hasshin Saver Kids is an adventure anime series by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, originally created by Lupin the Third creator Monkey Punch. Wikipedia
Plot: Wakakusa no Charlotte is an anime series produced by Nippon Animation Co. Ltd. It was first aired in Japan between October 29, 1977 and May 27, 1978, and is based on an original story by screenwriter Shun'ichi Yukimuro. Wikipedia
Plot: Skyers 5 is a Japanese anime series by Tele-Cartoon Japan. It was originally created by Noboru Kawasaki and Takashi Ishibashi. Kawasaki also served as the character designer for both anime series. Wikipedia
Plot: Holly the Ghost, also known in Japan as The Ghost Holly, is a Japanese anime television series directed by Minoru Okazaki. The series first aired in Japan on the NHK network between January 28, 1991 and April 6, 1993, spanning 200 episodes. Wikipedia