Plot: Wakakusa no Charlotte is an anime series produced by Nippon Animation Co. Ltd. It was first aired in Japan between October 29, 1977 and May 27, 1978, and is based on an original story by screenwriter Shun'ichi Yukimuro. Wikipedia
Plot: Ai Shite Knight is a shÅjo manga created in the early 1980s by Kaoru Tada. An anime adaptation was released in 1983 until 1984, running for 42 episodes by Toei Animation. A live action adaptation was also produced. The manga is licensed in English by M'z Production for digital release on the...
Plot: KyÅfu Densetsu Kaiki! Frankenstein, is a 1981 Japanese animated television film loosely based on Mary Shelley's novel and the Marvel comic book Monster of Frankenstein. In this 98-minute violent, adult-oriented film, the creature was portrayed as a misunderstood monster, who only wanted to...
Plot: Button Nose is a 26-episode Japanese animated TV series that aired from 19 October 1985 to 26 April 1986. It was animated by Topcraft and it was the first TV series produced by Sanrio. An English dub was produced by Saban in 1994. Wikipedia
Plot: Persia, the Magic Fairy is a 48 episode magical girl anime series by Studio Pierrot which aired on Nippon Television from July 1984 to May 1985. In addition to the TV series, two OVAs were released, and the main character, Persia, also appeared in two other Studio Pierrot special presentations. Wikipedia...
Plot: Pastel Yumi, the Magic Idol is a magical girl anime series by Studio Pierrot. It was simultaneously released as a manga by Kiyoko Arai. The fourth magical girl series created by Studio Pierrot, Pastel Yumi also appears in a feature-length OVA as well as the Majokko Club Yoningumi A-kūkan kara no...
Plot: Miracle Girl Limit-chan is a Japanese magical girl anime television series consisting in 25 episodes. It was directed by Takeshi Tamiya and Masayuki Akehi, and it was first broadcast on TV Asahi in 1973. Wikipedia
Plot: Microsuperman is a manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka, published in Akita Shoten's Weekly ShÅnen Champion from March 1973 to September 1973. It was later adapted into an anime series by Toei. Wikipedia
Plot: Hello! Sandybell is an anime series made by Toei Animation in 1981. It was aired in Japan by TV Asahi. In the original title when it was first made in Japan, an "E" was added to the title; "Sandybelle". Wikipedia
Plot: Mirai Keisatsu Urashiman is a Japanese manga series written by Hirohisa Soda, illustrated by Noboru Akashi and Haruka Inui and was published by Akita Shoten in Weekly Shonen Champion. Wikipedia
Plot: Attacker You! is a 1984 Japanese manga series by Jun Makimura and Shizuo Koizumi published by Kodansha. An anime series, consisting of 58 episodes of 24 minutes each, was produced by Knack Productions and broadcast by TV Tokyo from April 13, 1984 to June 21, 1985. Wikipedia
Plot: Nanako SOS is a seinen manga series created by Hideo Azuma which ran in Popcorn and Just Comic from April 1980 to July 1986. The series was adapted into 39-episode anime television series produced by Kokusai Eiga-sha which aired on the Fuji Television network from April 2, 1983 to December 24, 1983...
Plot: Magical Emi, the Magic Star is a magical girl anime series by Studio Pierrot. It was simultaneously released as a manga by Kiyoko Arai. Wikipedia
Plot: Lalabel, also known as Lalabel, The Magical Girl or Magical Girl Lalabel, is a magical girl anime television series by Toei Animation. It aired from 15 February 1980 to 27 February 1981 on TV Asahi. Wikipedia
Plot: Demon Lord Dante is a manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai. The series tells the story of Ryo Utsugi, a student who finds himself in the body of an ancient demon known as Dante and sees himself in the middle of a conflict between God and the devils. Wikipedia
Plot: Maple Town, also known as Maple Town Stories, is a 1986 Japanese slice of life anime series created by Chifude Asakura and directed by Junichi Sato. The series, animated by Toei Animation, consists of 52 half-hour episodes, which aired on TV Asahi in Japan from January 19, 1986 to January 11, 1987....
Plot: Little Memole also known as Wee Wendy or Tongari BÅshi no Memoru, is a Japanese anime television series produced in the 1980s by Toei Animation. Wikipedia