Plot: On Jul. 20, 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the Moon -- eight years after President John F. Kennedy's Moon Shot speech to a joint session of Congress. Smithsonian Channel celebrates the 50th anniversary of this historic event with a 6-part series that tells the entire...
Plot: Directed by François Pomès, this two-part documentary chronicles the epic adventure of the Apollo space program, which included both tragic setbacks and historic successes. The first phase takes place against a backdrop of the Cold War, from the disaster of the Apollo 1 mission to the triumph...
Plot: The story of the Apollo 11 moon landing is told with footage not seen anywhere else, revealing how an army of engineers, scientists and astronauts went to incredible lengths to achieve America's greatest technological feat.
Plot: April 13th, 1970, 180,000 miles from Earth, a disastrous malfunction leaves Apollo 13 leaking oxygen. If Mission Control cannot find a way to bring Apollo 13 home, the astronauts will be stranded in their dying ship.
Plot: New information reveals the secret story of the Apollo 13 rescue and how America's best minds used innovative science and engineering to save the lives of three astronauts facing life-or-death on one of NASA's most dangerous missions.
Plot: "Naked Science" strips away the layers of a scientific investigation into one of the big mysteries of our time, revealing through expert analysis realistic scenarios that either confirm or deny long-held assumptions and misconceptions.