Description: Set during World War II, "The Terror: Infamy" centers on a series of bizarre deaths that haunt a Japanese American community, and a young man's journey to understand and combat the malevolent entity that is responsible. Chester Nakayama and his friends and family from Terminal Island, Calif., face pâ¦Â MORE
Year Released: 1987
Number of seasons: 2
Number of episodes: 20
First episode air date: March 25, 2018
Adapted From: The Terror
Writers: Alexander Woo, Naomi Iizuka, Alessandra Dimona, MORE
Year Released: 1987
Number of seasons: 2
Number of episodes: 20
First episode air date: March 25, 2018
Adapted From: The Terror
Writers: Alexander Woo, Naomi Iizuka, Alessandra Dimona, MORE