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Animal Babies
Description: The filmmaker follows the lives of six baby animals as they adapt to their new environment and endeavour to overcome the initial challenges. Genre: TV program Language: English Cast: Arina Ii
Plot: This half-hour documentary series from Chicago's WTTW and WORLD channel features stories of diverse people around the United States. Focusing on a single theme, each program is culled from public TV stations and independent producers across the country. Featured segments include the links between traumatic...
Plot: Sir David Attenborough reveals the extraordinary wildlife stories and unseen wilderness of our seven unique continents with an environmental message.
Plot: Natural World is a strand of British wildlife documentary programmes broadcast on BBC Two and BBC Two HD and regarded by the BBC as its flagship natural history series. It is the longest-running documentary in its genre on British television, with nearly 500 episodes broadcast since its inception in...
Plot: Consistently stunning documentaries transport viewers to far-flung locations ranging from the torrid African plains to the chilly splendours of icy Antarctica. The show's primary focus is on animals and ecosystems around the world. A comic book based on the show, meant to be used an as educational tool...
Plot: More than 30 animatronic spy cameras disguised as animals secretly record behavior in the wild in this "Nature" miniseries from WNET and BBC. The series captures rarely seen behavior that reveals how animals possess emotions and behavior similar to humans -- including the capacity to love, grieve,...
Plot: Chef Kevin Belton's new cooking series -- inspired by the vibrant festivals of New Orleans and its surrounding region -- showcases the unique food and multicultural heritage of the city. In his courtyard kitchen at WYES-TV studios, Belton prepares some of the best food booth favorites unique to the...
Plot: This series of episodes culled from the vast library of the late Bob Ross ("The Joy of Painting") features the soft-spoken host sharing his painting techniques, including his "wet-on-wet" technique, and creating some of his best-loved scenes. From a cabin in the majestic mountains or a covered bride...
Plot: Whenever documentary filmmakers at Discovery Channel and the BBC unite for a project, stellar television seems to follow. The breakthrough natural history series "Life" stemmed from this collaboration in 2009, and "Africa" follows suit in stunning fashion. It's narrated by actor Forest Whitaker, who...
Plot: Considering the spectacular wildlife filmmaking resume of the BBC Natural History Unit, it's quite impressive to say `Planet Earth Live' is the most ambitious live wildlife experience ever attempted by the BBC. But those are the network's words used to describe the real-time stories of the world's most...
Plot: This documentary allows the viewer to witness a broad range of adorable baby animals in their day to day activities such as feeding, playing, napping and exploring their natural habitats with mum or dad.
Plot: To save money, two housemates get married but soon face unexpected complications, such as demanding in-laws and having to face their own growing bond.
Plot: Following Patrick Aryee and a cast of infant animals as they face their first days, weeks and months on earth. Exploring places around the world from Australia to the Costa Rican Coast.