Plot: This award-winning series presents compelling untold stories and covers a wide array of provocative subjects. "Explorer" aired for 25 years -- the longest-running documentary series in cable TV history -- before being relaunched in 2015 after a five-year hiatus. Each monthly episode of the new "Explorer...
Plot: Nature is awe-inspiring, and sometimes peculiar animal behaviors and unexpected events can seem inexplicable, but a team of experts is on hand to work on solving some of these mysteries.
Plot: This wildlife documentary is presented by BAFTA Award-winning English naturalist Steve Backshall. The show sees the host coming face-to-face with the world's most fierce animals as he travels to six countries, including Guyana, Namibia, Indonesia, Australia, South Africa and Mexico. On his journey,...
Plot: `Wild 24' is a documentary series capturing the life of different animals around the world for a whole day and night. For a period of 24 hours the cameras follow the wildlife that comes and goes in remote environments such as Africa's savannah, Chile's Atacama Desert and the forests of Tasmania. The...
Plot: To save money, two housemates get married but soon face unexpected complications, such as demanding in-laws and having to face their own growing bond.
Plot: Presenter Ray Mears travels to Australia in this documentary exploring the landscape and wildlife of the country. On his trip, Mears dives into waters of the Great Barrier Reef, journeys through the wilderness of the Arnhem Land and discovers the Cooper Creek billabongs. Along the way, across rainforests...