Plot: LIKE A SLAVE The main characters find themselves in a provincial town of Ozersk driven there by a number of cult murders,which happened within a few months, and left the entire town paralyzed with horror. On the bodies of all victims recovered by detectives there were found pieces of jewelry from the...
Plot: Doctor Richter is a Russian television medical drama that was aired on the Russia-1 network from 2017. The series' main character is Dr. Andrei Richter, a pain medication-dependent, unconventional, misanthropic medical genius who leads a team of diagnosticians at the 100th Clinic Hospital in Moscow...
Plot: Young Wolfhound is a 2006-2007 Russian adventure fantasy TV series, a prequel to the 2006 film Wolfhound. Series was loosely based on the novels by Maria Semyonova about Wolfhound's young life. Wikipedia