Plot: The daily trials and tribulations of Tim Taylor, a TV show host raising three mischievous boys with help from his loyal co-host, domineering wife, and genius neighbor.
Plot: Police Academy: The Series is a 1988 American animated television series based on the Police Academy series of films. The show was produced by Ruby-Spears Enterprises for Warner Bros. Animation. It aired weekdays and lasted two seasons for a total of 65 episodes. Some episodes feature a crime boss...
Plot: The Earth Day Special is a television special revolving around Earth Day that aired on ABC on April 22, 1990. Sponsored by Time Warner, the two-hour special featured an ensemble cast addressing concerns about pollution, deforestation, and other environmental ills. Wikipedia
Plot: Lions and librarians Theo and Cleo, along with their young cubs Lionel and Leona, run a very unique library. Characters pop off the pages of the books and come to life; vowels sing and puppets dance. The young lions explore and learn all sorts of new things from all the books.
Plot: Singer Marie Osmond returns to television with this talk show that seeks to help people help themselves. Marie's guests, both celebrities and noncelebrities, participate in discussions of lifestyle tips and trends, socially important issues and breakthroughs that empower families. Osmond also provides...
Plot: George Burns Comedy Week is a comedy anthology television series broadcast in the United States by CBS as part of its 1985 fall lineup, hosted by George Burns. Wikipedia
Plot: "The Cosby Show" centers on the lives of the Huxtables: obstetrician Cliff and his lawyer wife Claire, their daughters Sondra, Denise, Vanessa and Rudy, and son Theo. Based on the standup comedy of Bill Cosby, the show focused on his observations of family life. Although based on comedy, the series...
Plot: Donny & Marie is an American variety show that aired on ABC from November 1975 to May 1979. The show starred brother-and-sister pop duo Donny and Marie Osmond. Wikipedia
Plot: "The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour" is a blend of music, comic banter between its two married stars, broad comedy sketches and, of course, Cher's outrageous costumes designed by Bob Mackie. Each episode concludes with the couple singing their hit, "I Got You, Babe" to each other, frequently bringing daughter...
Plot: After getting his start with "The Andy Williams Show", singer-comedian Ray Stevens now had his own program to let his brand of humor run wild. The skits tended more toward slapstick-style physical humor, interspersed with a number of Stevens' more well-known songs (such as "The Streak"), as well as...
Plot: Short-lived show starring Dick Van Dyke and assorted guests. The show also featured a recurring segment about the dumbest family in the world. Short-lived show starring Dick Van Dyke and assorted guests. The show also featured a recurring segment about the dumbest family in the world.