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Domestic Life
Description: A Seattle TV commentator shares family stories on-air. Genre: Comedy Year Released: 1984 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 10 First episode air date: January 4, 1984 Network: CBS
Plot: George Burns Comedy Week is a comedy anthology television series broadcast in the United States by CBS as part of its 1985 fall lineup, hosted by George Burns. Wikipedia
Plot: "The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour" is a blend of music, comic banter between its two married stars, broad comedy sketches and, of course, Cher's outrageous costumes designed by Bob Mackie. Each episode concludes with the couple singing their hit, "I Got You, Babe" to each other, frequently bringing daughter...
Plot: The residents of Robson Arms are always in some sort of drama. This Vancouver-based apartment building holds some pretty interesting characters behind its doors, who stir up the romance as well as the rent. Some are just out to party, others to work and move ahead, and some like the idea of seducing...
Plot: Family Dog is a short-lived animated television series that aired from June 23 to July 28, 1993, on CBS. Created by Brad Bird, the series was about an average suburban family, the Binsfords, as told through the eyes of their dog named Jonah. Wikipedia
Plot: Booky's Crush is a 2009 Canadian made for TV drama film directed by Peter Moss. The screenplay was written by Tracey Forbes and based upon the Bernice Thurman Hunter novels That Scatterbrain Booky, With Love From Booky, and As Ever, Booky. Wikipedia
Plot: Jimmy Pritchard, a sheriff who was killed during a robbery, is resurrected by a pair of twins. Jimmy, however, finds himself being pulled by the temptations of his previous life.
Plot: Tony Kleinman is a columnist and sports TV host who doesn't often think before speaking and frequently uses his home life as column fodder, much to the chagrin of his wife and their two kids. The sitcom is based on the life and writings of sportswriter Tony Kornheiser.
Plot: America 2-Night is the continuation of the talk-show parody series Fernwood 2 Night, broadcast weeknights from April to July 1978. As on Fernwood, Martin Mull portrayed host Barth Gimble and Fred Willard appeared as sidekick/announcer Jerry Hubbard. Frank De Vol also returned as bandleader Happy Kyne...
Plot: Stand-up comedian Martin Lawrence drives this irreverent sitcom as a sexist, cocky and wisecracking radio station talk show host. His girlfriend and eventual wife, Gina, puts up with him -- although clashes do occur. Martin's friends, Tommy and Cole, help him get into trouble.
Plot: A young director turns the fate of a failing radio station by changing the music format to rock and roll. A series of interesting experiences give the incompetent staff a chance at success.
Plot: The lives of two morning disc jockeys at an Los Angeles radio station. The team, dubbed Lewis and Clarke, consisted of a happily married guy and his swinging-bachelor partner. Goldie Hawn co-starred as a neighbour named Sandy.